4 T's to a Thriving Cat
In the pet food industry, cats seem to be the forgotten ones. Most cat lovers claim their cats are "fussy eaters" and "addicted to dry food", and they aren't wrong.
But it isn't impossible to switch to healthy cat food.

Unlike dogs, cats are fussy eaters because they "imprint eaters", learning what food is from their mother as a kitten.
So, if their mother only ate dry biscuits, that's all they are comfortable with eating.
But it isn't impossible to switch your cats food to a better option.
Cats are very sensitive, but if you follow the 4 T's and stay patient, your cat will be thriving in no time (goodbye smelly litter box).
The 4 T's to a Thriving Cat:
1) Time.
2) Texture.
3) Taste.
4) Temperature.

In depth:
1) Time
Ditch leaving your cat food out all day. Instead, feed your cat 2-3 meals a day for 30 minute intervals, regardless if they eat or not.
Offering "buffet style" feeding allows our cats to eat as much as they want, whenever they want, which isn't good for fussy cats or weight management.
Try feeding your cat during scheduled meal times. This will decrease your cats fussiness, make meal time more exciting and may help with controlling their weight.
2) Texture
Cats are very sensitive to texture, which is why it can be impossible to switch from dry, crunchy biscuits, to minced raw food.
Transitioning from a "wet" canned food diet to raw is easiest as they are similar textures and high in moisture.
For best success, only feed a wet canned food diet before switching to raw.
3) Taste
Feed flavors your cat already likes. If they like chicken dry food, start with chicken fresh food. You can expand their palate later.
4) Temperature
Feed the new food at the same temperature as their current food. Cats are very sensitive to temperature.
Do they like food straight from the fridge? Feed the new food cold.
Do they eat wet food straight from the pantry? Feed the new food at room temperature.
Hopefully this helps you transition to healthier cat food. Don't let a fussy cat stop you from feeding higher quality pet food.